The Hemovigilance Module of the CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network has an open access Web application for assessing transfusion reactions that is available at This tool is based on the NHSN Hemovigilance Module Surveillance Protocol (itself an essential resource). This would be especially useful for general pathologists who infrequently have to assess transfusion reactions. This is also a wonderful educational tool for pathology residents and internal medicine residents rotating through hematology-oncology services.
Other features include a table showing which diagnoses have been ruled-in, excluded or not yet tested; optional questions for assigning severity and imputability for each diagnosis; a written summary with supporting evidence of which diagnoses were established as well as those that were excluded. Finally, the user has the ability to email the written summary as a PDF document.
I've really come to rely on this as a final check on myself and a first reference to guide pathology residents through the evaluation of a transfusion reaction.
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